Wednesday, 3 April 2019

PriorAuth Online: Online Solution for Faster Orthotics and Prosthetics Prior Authorization

Still stuck with the old primitive method for your orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization process? In the technological advance era, where time equal to money and making most of it is the only mantra people follow. Wasting time in such prior authorization process is really frustrating for all.

A faster process and fast delivery of work are always appreciated. Sunknowledge Service Inc with its decades of experience has understood the dynamic of faster and efficient work resulting PriorAuth Online service. It is an online prior authorization service for orthotics and prosthetics, radiology, DME and other specialties too.

Outsourcing prior authorization makes works easy for healthcare organization. It enabling them to focus on other section like patients care etc. In most case outsourcing is much more cost effective and result oriented.

Benefits of Outsourcing for Your Orthotics and Prosthetics Prior Authorization Problems:

Sunknowledge service Inc a 100% HIPAA HITECH compliant outsourcing organization, has a separate section for online prior authorization service. This services helping provider get a faster efficient Prior authorization approval. It also reduces duplication and enhances rapid turnaround for the provider. With a constant follow up and updated report this PriorAuth Online service provides operational transparency to the providers.

Sunknowledge also provides a full range service comprising authorization request, follow-up, and approval with an instant 80% reduction in operational cost. A no binding contract with a low standalone/end to end service is one of the advantages Sunknowledge Service Inc provides.

For a faster and efficient service with a 99.9% accuracy rate get in touch with the Sunknowledge expert team. With unmatchable productive metric, Sunknowledge service Inc is the solution to all your orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization services. Speak to our expert team over ‘no commitment call’ and get an effective approach for streamline operation in order to increase your cash flow.